Wednesday, July 25, 2012

                  November 13, 2012              21° Scorpio 57‘               10:12 pm
      An eclipse occurs when the orbits of the Moon and the Earth align closely enough together with the Sun and the Moon to block the light of the Sun from the Earth (a Solar Eclipse), or the Moon (a Lunar Eclipse).  Every month we have a New Moon, but only every six months do we have eclipses.  A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is exactly between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun from the Earth.  Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to herald significant and powerful endings and beginnings. Events that are triggered by an eclipse usually take six months to unfold, so you can expect this process to continue as you begin to feel like a flower opening its’ petals.  Special opportunities to break old patterns become apparent as you begin to make major changes in your life. Metamorphosis is another word associated with eclipses. The Solar Eclipse on November 13, 2012 will occur at 10:12pm at 21° Scorpio 21’. All Scorpio Sun Sign people will be most affected by this Solar Eclipse as will those with Scorpio rising. If you are a Taurus or have Taurus rising you will feel this Eclipse more strongly than most because in our sky the constellation of Taurus is opposite the constellation of Scorpio and is in direct alignment with this Eclipse. Overall, you will find yourself redoing your life from your toes to the top of your head and your appearance will be changed radically as you enhance your image to reflect the massive changes going on within you!! Remember, Eclipses are about endings . . and beginnings!!  Ultimately the changes in how you see yourself will affect how you are perceived by others thereby affecting all of your personal AND business relationships!!   Response to an Eclipse is both psychological and physical as each individual responds in a unique manner.  This is all good as you review your life, let go of past aspirations, recommit to what works and plant fresh seeds for personal growth!!  
    Depending on the part of your chart (house) that is activated, we can determine exactly what part of your life will be most affected.  If you are a Scorpio almost every part of your life will be affected, but all of us will feel a shift of some sort coming on. If the Eclipse falls in your 1st/7th houses, you are working on yourself, on your marriage or your relationship.  If it is the 2nd/8th houses, it is your earnings or joint finances that are affected.  If it is the 3rd/9th houses, it could be a year of travel or educational pursuits.  For more information on how this eclipse falls in your personal chart, give me a call.  With any eclipse, what is hidden will come to light and your secret desires may not be secret anymore.  You may break away from a relationship that no longer suits your needs, or you may be faced with changes beyond your control.  The six months ahead will give you the time to sort through your feelings and explore other options.
     Remember:  change is good!  Change in thought, manner, speech, dress, lifestyle, career, health, family, expectations and goals are all part of the plan and the process of you creating a more fulfilled life.  You may feel uncomfortable as you let go of what is familiar and you step way outside your boundaries to make room in your head and your heart for new ideas and ultimately a new lifestyle!                            
Read on to see how this eclipse will affect you personally!!   
                Toni Thomas                         770-587-1910  


                                    SOLAR ECLIPSE
                November 13, 2012               21° Scorpio 57‘               10:12 pm
Aries: Pressures of business and personal relationships are unrelenting. The choice is yours: you can sell yourself short and give up or dig deeply into the shadows of your soul and reaffirm your commitment to growth, excellence and positive change. Begin to dream!
Taurus: Reviewing relationships is a priority as you alter how and with whom you connect. Expect to make adjustments. If tense issues arise, face them with as much clarity about your desires as you can.  When you share the truth with kindness, trust follows.  :-)
Gemini: You are overwhelmed with an abundance of nervous tension.  You feel as if you’re standing on a precipice and must take exactly the right step to create a new life. You begin improvements in your diet and exercise regimen. Your hard work will be rewarded. :-)
Cancer: While you may be letting go of a romantic or artistic dream, you will gain more than you lose. Holding on to a person or a plan out of habit or fear can cost you an opportunity for an even more rewarding experience. Don’t follow a path that you don’t truly feel! 
Leo: Expect some much needed change to your daily routine as the foundations of your life get shaken-up. The stakes of the game are higher than you think as family decisions have lasting ramifications. Rely on your intuition to make the best choices to get what you want.   
Virgo: Simplify!  Simplify!  This Eclipse is all about eliminating superfluous ideas and concentrating on key people and points instead of overloading yourself with input. Conversations may wander into fantasyland, but common sense is favored over fantasy for your benefit.
Libra: Information about your finances comes back to haunt you.  Expect a rude awakening as buried emotions bubble up into awareness. 
Someone’s sense of freedom can clash with your need for order.  Continue to follow a hunch giving you the energy to start a new project. 
Scorpio: THIS ECLIPSE IS VERY POWERFUL FOR YOU! Expect change in your self-image as you make a commitment to using your abilities to their utmost.  You may not see the effects immediately, but this marks the threshold between your old life and the future!!  A move that looks illogical to others may be exactly what you need as you take a second look at your talents and receive rewards for them!  :-)
Sagittarius: Though you long for connection, you may connect emotionally to someone new, OR you eliminate something or someone that’s dragging you down as you release from your past. Keep in mind that destiny rules.  Be careful not to move too quickly as this occurs. 
Capricorn:  Your assumptions are challenged as it is time to reassess your friendships and professional connections.  You may need to reduce someone’s role in your life.  Kindness is a wonderful quality, but it can become very costly if a friend takes more than he/she gives. 
Aquarius: Stress at work provokes you to look more deeply at your current position.  Invest more of yourself where you are or look else- where for fulfillment on the job. You can’t continue to drive yourself ahead on sheer will unless your commitment matches your obligations. 
Pisces: You are hungering for travel, learning or other experiences beyond your work and daily duties. Feelings you don’t readily under-
stand are aroused.  It may be time to commit to fulfilling those desires - or perhaps to cut those dreams loose and move on with your life. 
      AstrologySource/Toni Thomas               770-587-1910       

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